Diagonal Lines & The Golden Spiral

Diagonal lines are considered to be the most dynamic lines used in Photography. They can be used to create a strong impression of movement or a sense of depth and perspective. Knowing how to place these lines correctly can affect the overall mood and composition of an image.

The images below are ones that I have shot demonstrating the use of diagonal lines. I have used Photoshop to insert lines that demonstrate the technique.

It’s thought that in sometime near the 12th century, mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci devised a series of numbers that will produce an aesthetically pleasing composition known as the Fibonacci Spiral or, more commonly, the Golden Spiral. The Spiral was created from a series of squares using Fibonacci’s numbers. A series of diagonal points on each square will then create a path for which the spiral can move through the frame. Therefore, using this technique to compose a photograph will allow the viewer’s eye to be guided through the image in a natural flow.

The images below are ones that I have shot demonstrating the Golden Spiral. I used Photoshop to paste the spiral onto the image to demonstrate the technique.

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