Second Development Shoot

This is the second shoot I have carried out relating to my Alternative Influence of Love Actually. This time, I have chosen to move my work into the studio in order to light my images better and create a slightly more interesting backdrop for my model.

When lighting these images, I placed a softbox to my right and a hard lamp on the white vinyl backdrop to create a white-to-grey gradient across the background of my images. I think this makes my images more interesting without drawing the viewer’s attention away from my model and also makes them look more professional, thus more appealing to a commercial and University based audience. The gradient on the backdrop is, I think, successful in tying the black of my model’s clothing and the text together with the white of the card and means that everything is visible, and nothing is lost in the background.

Lighting Diagram

The black of my model’s clothing is effective in contrasting the white of the cards she is holding in front of her, again allowing for everything to be clearly visible and the text to be clearly read. I asked my model to correspond her facial expression with the word on the card she is holding in order to give the viewer a sense of her identity and personality, and to relate to my title ‘Individual Identity’ as I want to clearly display my model’s personality to the viewer.

Overall, I am happy with these images and plan to continue shooting in a studio environment as I think it allows me to increase the professionalism of my work and will improve my studio skills, encouraging me to think carefully about using the correct camera settings and explore different lighting techniques.

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