Artist Research – Pierre Auroux

Pierre Auroux is a commercial photographer who has shot billboard and TV campaigns for Apple that were localised for many different markets including Asia, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. He has also shot for Paypal, Samsung, Skype, Polydor Records and Kooples.

Screenshot taken from the homepage of Auroux's website
Screenshot taken from the homepage of Auroux’s website

Auroux has shot images for American rock band Haim that have been used for the Days Are Gone album cover and the single cover for The Wire.

Screenshot taken from showing Auroux's work for Haim
Screenshot taken from showing Auroux’s work for Haim
Haim - Days Are Gone; Pierre Auroux
Haim – Days Are Gone;
Pierre Auroux

I plan to replicate Auroux’s Days Are Gone cover (shown above) as I think it is appropriate for its audience and relevant to the style of the band, both musically and aesthetically. I also like that the image is quite versatile and could be used in a fashion magazine or as an advert on a billboard as well as for its intended purpose as an album cover. I think the simplicity of the cover’s location and framing is what makes it effective and plan to replicate this where possible. However, I may need to adapt some details in order to make my shoot more relevant to what is available to me. For example, it’s likely that the grass in my image will be a much darker green than in the original as it is currently November in the UK and so the grass has had plenty of rain to make it very green. Also, as it’s November, I plan to have my models wear tights so they are warmer and more appropriately dressed for the weather as I plan to shoot outside. I will also need to continue to check the weather forecast as I want to shoot my image on a bright day that is dry, and so I will wait for a day where these conditions are present if possible.

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